WiDABi Designs :: Welcome to the Lincoln Beacon

Welcome to the Lincoln Beacon

Posted by   admin on    February 6, 2015

After weeks of hard work helping David iron-out all the kinks with his website, The Lincoln Beacon is online. 

This small, community based new site serves Lincoln, CA with a superior source for local news, sports, events, and life as it happens, in a visually attractive and well-composed layout.

WiDABi helped with finalizing all the CSS and PHP code for this Wordpress site including a custom lightbox feature for displaying the articles, photo galleries, custom searches, as well as an events calendar. 

We really enjoyed this project as it wasn't only a challenge but it was great knowing the hard work would pay off informing people about local news. In my opinion local issues and local government is the most important to be involved with as in almost all cases its where we can make the most difference. Moreover, its where decisions are made that impact our lives the greatest. 

Take a minute and check out the site, its looking great. 
